Nespresso machines are, for the most part, the best pick for single-serve espresso machines. The brand has a range of options and models so you can find the best-suited machine.
For this article, I’ll focus on two very cool machines that can brew coffee as well as espresso. And they achieve this in a rather interesting and unique style. Nespresso VertuoLine vs Evoluo is the pick to take. Two formidable machines with a lot of similarities, and some subtle differences. Which one will you pick?
Getting Acquainted With Nespresso VertuoLine, Vertuo, And Evoluo
How VertuoLine Makes A Big Pick
Nespresso VertuoLine is one of the product lines available from the company. Both Vertuo and Evoluo are models belonging to this product line. This is the primary reason that both these models are so similar.
A big reason the VertuoLine made a splash is because of its capability to brew both coffee and espresso. Nespresso machines are best known for their espresso-making capabilities. Bringing coffee to the table required some creative thinking and solutions in design.
The most obvious consideration is pressure. Brewing a good espresso requires at least 9 bars of pressure. Many Nespresso machines excel in that department and go as high as 19bars. However, regular coffee doesn’t quite go along with pressure. For a small machine, it can be difficult to negotiate a pump that manages pressure and a separate system for coffee.
Simply put, the pod inside the machine is rotated at high speed, which in turn creates the necessary pressure. Pressure doesn’t go as high conventional Nespresso machines, but it is well over the 9 bar mark. And yes, it brews a mean cup of espresso that makes you forget all about pumps and pressures.
Another interesting aspect is the simplicity and intuitive operation of these machines. Simple operation is key to any single-serve machine. However, we would expect the switch between coffee and espresso modes to require some input from the user. Turns out, that’s not the case!
Pods And Brew Sizes For VertuoLine Series
VertuoLine machines read instructions on the pods to know how to brew them. So the machine will automatically switch coffee modes depending on the type of pod used. The pods can also give the machine tips on brewing recipes, so you always get a great cup of joe.
The user can manage some options to suit their preference. The most common option available is the choice of drink size. Pod sizes vary to complement brew type and drink size. Espresso pods tend to be smaller, while coffee and alto coffee serving pods are larger.
Nespresso VertuoLine Machine — The Virtues Explored
Nespresso VertuoLine machine originally arrived as the flagship of this line. Now it goes by the name of Vertuo, with the VertuoLine moniker given to the product line. To be clear, this is a new machine that fixes the flaws of the original VertuoLine. For the most part, its functions and features stick to those mentioned above.
One of the greatest features of the Vertuo, and the Nespresso machines in general, is the quick serving speed. Once you give it the go-ahead, this machine will begin pouring your choice of beverage in just 15-20 seconds. An adjustable drip tray can be moved to various spots to adjust for brew size. The drink sizes available are:
- Espresso 1.35oz
- Double espresso 2.7oz
- GranLungo 5oz
- Coffee 8oz
- Alto Coffee 14oz
If you want an espresso, the centrifusion technology will kick in. The pod/capsule will be rotated at speeds up to 7000 rpm to create that wonderful espresso. Of course, should you put in a pod for coffee, the machine will dutifully brew that too without much rotation.
There are a few other touches that make this a useful machine. For one, the Vertuo by Breville will automatically eject used pods. The machine has room for 13 coffee or 20 espresso pods. The removable water reservoir will hold 40oz of water, thus making frequent refills are unnecessary. Another useful feature is the auto shut-off that switches off the machine after 9 minutes of inactivity.
Check options, discounts, and current price for this machine
Nespresso Evoluo — Enhancing The VertuoLine

Nespresso Evoluo is pretty much the bigger, bulkier sibling of the Vertuo. The overall features and functions are pretty much the same as the Nespresso Vertuo. The biggest point for Nespresso Evoluo vs VertuoLine might as well be the size difference.
As a larger, bulkier machine, this one has a 54oz removable water reservoir. Its larger size follows on to other characteristics as well. Evoluo too will auto-eject pods, though it will hold more than the Vertuo. This machine will hold 17 coffee pods.
The original Nespresso Evoluo had built-in presets for brew sizes. These were 1.35oz for espresso and 7.7oz for coffee. There’s also a push-button option where the machine continues to pour the beverage as long as the button is pressed. Evoluo by De’Longhi expanded on this set by adding more preset beverage options. These are:
- Espresso 1.35oz
- Double espresso 2.7oz
- GranLungo 5oz
- Coffee 8oz
- Alto Coffee 14oz
The other features remain largely standard for the product line. Evoluo heats up pretty quickly and will start pouring your brew in 15 seconds. If you’re brewing espresso, the centrifusion technology will rotate the pod at up to 7000 rpm. The machine has an auto shut-off after nine minutes of inactivity.
See more of the Nespresso Evoluo original model
Why Are The Specs For My Machine Different?
You may notice that the Nespresso Vertuo and Evoluo models you’re considering have different specs and options. These small changes usually happen due to different branded manufacturers involved.
For example, the machine you choose may be Nespresso, Nespresso by Breville, or Nespresso by De’Longhi. There can be some small feature differences between these machines. However, their overall performance remains true to Nespresso’s announced models.
What Pods Are Compatible With Nespresso VertuoLine?
Nespresso VertuoLine machines use the range of Vertuo capsules. These capsules are designed to cater to the full range of beverage sizes. From espresso shots to large, 14oz Alto XL beverages, these capsules handle them all.
Size of Vertuo capsules varies depending on their intended purpose. The espresso capsules are small, fit for brewing 1.35oz shots. Coffee and AltoXL Capsules are larger and hold more grounds to accommodate the larger cup size.
You can buy Vertuo Pods for most preset beverage sizes. That way, you always get a strong cuppa, and never have the displeasure of watered down coffee.
Should I Buy Nespresso Original Or Vertuo?
There are big differences between the Nespresso Original and the Nespresso VertuoLine. Nespresso Original series makes great espresso. There are variants and models available that will let you whip up other beverages like latte, cappuccino, etc.
The pods and capsules used with this line are relatively cheaper. In fact, you can get many third party capsules for this machine, which can further bring down cost.
Nespresso VertuoLine is a coffee and espresso system. These machines will brew coffee or espresso at your command. However, the capsules used here are more expensive. Additionally, they’re pretty much locked to Nespresso, with little to none third party capsules available.
Can You Use Original Nespresso Pods In VertuoLine?
No, both pods have different shapes and sizes. Additionally, VertuoLine pods read the pods to look for the recipe and preparation. This isn’t available for original pods. This is also a reason why third-party pods can’t be used with the VertuoLine.
Is Breville Or De’Longhi Nespresso Better?
In terms of quality and construction, there is little difference between machines made by Breville and De’Longhi. All these partners use the technology made available by Nespresso to build their machines.
You might find some aesthetic differences between the machines. However, the larger differences are cosmetic, For example, one manufacturer might offer a wider range of colors.
Which Is The Coffee Maker For Me?
Let your heart and aesthetics guide you in making a choice between Nespresso VertuoLine vs Evoluo. As we see, both of these are capable machines with very similar features. The practical difference between the two remains size and small aesthetic elements. Feel free to pick whichever of these espresso and coffee makers catches your fancy. You can’t go wrong with either!